Here at Signs and Print in Braintree Essex we are continuing to invest in the latest technology with our latest purchase of a Rollsroller 540/220P Flatbed applicator from Spandex.
We supply Retail and Trade only resellers all types of signage throughout the whole of the UK and with our latest investment we are looking to reduce turnaround times whilst maintaining a consistent high quality finish on a wide range of printed boards.
Lee Reeves, Managing Director says "In todays climate we are increasingly seeing demands for shorter turnaround times from our clients and our investment in the Rollsroller enables us to substantially decrease our turnaround times without compromising on quality. Before the Rollsroller was installed we had a bottleneck in our production on the mounting of large boards as being mounted by hand was very labour intensive and time consuming, requiring two people to mount larger boards. This can now be done within a fraction of the time and by one operator"
You can purchase a wide range of our products online 24/7 365 days a year by visiting or call our friendly sales team on 01376 341164 or email for a bespoke quote.